Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Perawatan Alat Filterisasi untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Air Bersih di Desa Pelang, Lamongan

Ni'matut Tamimah


The lack of clean water availability of Sungai Genting Hamlet, Pelang Village, Kembangbahu District, Lamongan Regency has high possibility to cause disease. Therefore, it is necessary to socialize on how to gain insight into the clean water and how to maintenance the filter equipment, so the residents can use and consume clean water for their daily needs. Several events were carried out in this service activity, such as an observation and analysis of field conditions regarding the condition of well and the lake water, socialization on how to gain insight into clean water and how to use filter equipment for the public, and training on the maintenance of water filter equipment and clean water storage tanks for the community. Based on the results of the analysis, residents' enthusiasm for participating in this community service event was due to several reasons. Among them are many residents who are easily attacked by disease due to the use of unclean water, lack of knowledge about clean water, and do not sufficient information to maintain the water filter equipment that affects the lifetime. Moreover, the water that flows into the tank becomes easily get dirty quickly.


clean water; filter equipment; Sungai Geneng Hamlet; socialization;

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